This will be updated each week following the most recent Monday night rehearsal.
For the first rehearsal on Monday, January 27 the routine will be different from all subsequent rehearsals. For this rehearsal only, the recorded samples will be played through as the choir sings along as best they can. This is primarily intended to introduce each selection and give choir members a chance to hear what it will sound like once we have prepared it during the coming weeks of rehearsals. As time permits for this rehearsal, we may attempt to sing along without the recording using our accompaniment combo for some of the selections. This is not intended to be an exercise in frustration. It is not expected that it will be perfect in any way, so do not be discouraged as we will have 14 weeks of rehearsals to learn and perfect each selection. I just ask for your patience as we complete this process of learning each selection over the coming weeks.
Rehearsal format for the next series of rehearsals will follow a similar pattern each week as follows: brief opening comments, warm-up, review and focus. There will usually be a 7-minute break roughly halfway into the rehearsal preceded by any announcements by members of the Executive Board. Here in the Director's Notes selections that were focused on will be listed and some notes may be included regarding notable outcome of the rehearsal. Additionally, the upcoming rehearsal plan for the following week will list selections by number that will be reviewed and those that will be focused on. The selections to be reviewed will simply be read through near the beginning of the next rehearsal. No attempt will be made to work on or make corrections to selections being reviewed. The selections to be focused on will undergo analyses to include interpretation, teaching correct pitches, rhythm, diction, and any other needed corrections for musicality.
Samples of all selections included in the Spring 2025 "Journeys in Music" season are currently available on the Music page accessible from the menu on the website main page.
Your comments are welcome and can be added at the bottom of this page.
01/27/2025 rehearsal (Registration is from 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm):
I have not yet received the attendance report, but it seemed a little lighter than expected. The instrumental combo was missing the trap set and string players. Two excused executive board members were missing. There were a few others missing that are expected to join later. It was good to see so many regulars and some of the new members that joined last season. Also, there were some returning members from years back and some brand-new members.
As previously indicated for this first rehearsal we read through most of the program singing along to the sample recording of each selection and sometimes additionally with our own instrumental accompaniment. At this point in time, we are still waiting for the arrival of two more selections that are expected to arrive no later than February 7. Still to arrive there will be selection numbers 1 and 13, "Journey to the past" and "Fly Away Home" respectively. If you have not already done so, you are advised to number your selections as indicated by the program listing that you received when you checked-in last Monday. These notes will reference the selections most frequently by the number only rather than the full title.
We will get to work this coming Monday by beginning the rehearsal with a warmup exercise then review three songs, during which there is no attempt to fix anything. We will then focus on four songs where we would normally divide up (if we have the resources to do so) and concentrate on individual voice parts working on blending and correcting rhythms, diction and pitches as needed. However, one of our keyboard accompanists will not be available for the next rehearsal and therefore we will not be able to split up. Speaking of resources, there is currently an opening for the Assistant Director. Contact the Resident Director if you have an interest in serving as the Assistant Director.
As announced at the rehearsal last Monday there are Voice Tracks available for every selection on this season’s musical program. These are available free of charge to you through the WCC website. See the How to Access the Voice Tracks blog for detailed instructions.
Be aware that later in the season, as the weather conditions and access to the parking lot become an issue, be sure to check the webpage and watch for an email notification in the event the rehearsal must be cancelled. If the Prince William County government offices (not public schools) are closed our rehearsal will be cancelled. Also, if the church parking lot is not cleared, we will cancel.
Next Monday the review will be on selections (in the order listed): 6, 5, & 2. The focus will be on selections: 11, 8, 3, & 9. If either selection 1 or 13 arrives before Monday at least one of them will be introduced.
02/03/2025 rehearsal (Second registration date is from 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm):
A couple of more people showed up that did not attend last week. There are at least two more regulars that are expected to join us in the next few weeks. Nancy was unable to make this rehearsal, so we had to work with just one accompanist. After the warmup we introduced the recently received selection that is to be number one on the concert program order. There is still one more selection (13) that is yet to arrive but is expected before next Monday. We then reviewed selections 6, 5, and 2. We broke out into two sections with the basses and tenors working with Meredyth in the fellowship hall, while I worked with sopranos and altos using the Voice Tracks. The focus was on selections 11, 8, 3, and 9. Number 11 is easy with a familiar tune taking from Dvorak’s New World Symphany. Number 8 should also be quite easy to learn from the pop tune written by Styx. Number 3 also relatively easy is a traditional Christian folk song made popular as it was included in the movie "O Brother Where Art Thou?". Number 9 will be a bit of a challenge with the advanced syncopated rhythms and harmonies. Even so we made good progress on each of the focus selections. If you spend a little time each week listening and singing along to the Voice Track these should be easy to learn.
Next Monday the review will be on selections (in the order listed): 9, 3, 8, & 11. The focus will be on selections: 4, 7, & 12. We should also be able to introduce 13.
02/10/2025 rehearsal (Third and final registration date is from 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm):
Comments to be added here after the rehearsal.
Next Monday the review will be on selections (in the order listed): TBD. The focus will be on selections: TBD.
02/17/2025 rehearsal (For late registration you must speak with the Resident Director):
Comments to be added here after the rehearsal.
Next Monday the review will be on selections (in the order listed): TBD. The focus will be on selections: TBD.
02/24/2025 rehearsal (For late registration you must speak with the Resident Director):
Comments to be added here after the rehearsal.
Next Monday the review will be on selections (in the order listed): TBD. The focus will be on selections: TBD.
03/03/2025 rehearsal (For late registration you must speak with the Resident Director):
Comments to be added here after the rehearsal.
Next Monday the review will be on selections (in the order listed): TBD. The focus will be on selections: TBD.
03/10/2025 rehearsal:
Comments to be added here after the rehearsal.
Next Monday the review will be on selections (in the order listed): TBD. The focus will be on selections: TBD.
03/17/2025 rehearsal:
Comments to be added here after the rehearsal.
Next Monday the review will be on selections (in the order listed): TBD. The focus will be on selections: TBD.
03/24/2025 rehearsal:
Comments to be added here after the rehearsal.
Next Monday the review will be on selections (in the order listed): TBD. The focus will be on selections: TBD.
03/31/2025 rehearsal:
Comments to be added here after the rehearsal.
Next Monday the review will be on selections (in the order listed): TBD. The focus will be on selections: TBD.
04/07/2025 rehearsal:
Comments to be added here after the rehearsal.
Next Monday the review will be on selections (in the order listed): TBD. The focus will be on selections: TBD.
04/14/2025 rehearsal:
Comments to be added here after the rehearsal.
Next Monday the review will be on selections (in the order listed): TBD. The focus will be on selections: TBD.
04/21/2025 rehearsal:
Comments to be added here after the rehearsal.
Next Monday the review will be on selections (in the order listed): TBD. The focus will be on selections: TBD.
04/28/2025 rehearsal:
Comments to be added here after the rehearsal.
Next Monday the review will be on selections (in the order listed): TBD. The focus will be on selections: TBD.
05/02/2025 MANDATORY on-site rehearsal:
Comments to be added here after the rehearsal.
05/03&04/2025 Concerts at Ferlazzo:
Comments to be added after concerts
What about the Christmas 2025 concert Season:
First rehearsal as is the custom will be the last Monday in August specifically the 25th of August at 7:30 PM. Registration begins at 7:00 PM
A list of potential songs that may be on the program will be listed here later (Google them to listen):
I hope to see you all back for the WCC Christmas "Merry Christmas" concert season. Check back later for sample recordings to be added later. The first rehearsal will be Monday, August 25, 2025. Enjoy your summe break..